Home » Recipes » Appetizer » Marinated Anchovies


Calorie: 405 Kcal

Preparation: 30 min

Difficulty: very easy

  • Anchovies 500 g
  • Garlic 4 g
  • Lemon juice 150 g
  • Parsley 20 g
  • Il Cavallino Traditional extra virgin olive oil 140 g
  • Black pepper to taste
  • White wine vinegar 20 g
  • Salt to taste

To prepare the marinated anchovies, start with the marinade: pour the parsley into a mixer together with a clove of garlic, and 40 g of Cavallino olive oil and chop everything for a few moments. Squeeze the lemons and collect the juice in a container together with the olive oil and season with salt and black pepper. Mix well using a hand whisk or the tines of a fork and, when the two mixtures have combined together, add the chopped parsley.
Continue mixing with the whisk, then set the marinade aside. Meanwhile, move on to cleaning the anchovies; since these will not undergo any cooking, it is very important to make sure that they have been chilled when purchasing (always choose fresh anchovies to purchase in your local fish shop); for greater safety we recommend freezing for at least 96 hours at -18 degrees (already gutted) and then defrosting to use in the recipe.
Put on disposable latex gloves, then remove the head, then run your thumb along the belly to open them like a book, to be able to subsequently debone them by pulling away the central bone and clean the entrails, finally rinse the fillets under a thread of water (to eliminate all impurities), being very careful not to divide the fish into two halves. Place the thoroughly cleaned anchovy fillets in a large container next to each other and pour in the marinade you have prepared, then cover with cling film. Let it rest for at least 5 hours at room temperature.
Once the necessary time has passed, remove the film and pour in the white wine vinegar, mix and finally, lightly drain them from the marinade and arrange the marinated anchovies on a serving plate to serve and enjoy them as an appetizer!