Home » Recipes » Appetizer » Stuffed mozzarella


Calorie: 376 Kcal

Preparation: 10 min

Difficulty: very easy

  • Mozzarella: 4
  • Cherry tomatoes 80 g
  • Basil a few leaves
  • Dried oregano to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Il Cavallino organic extra virgin olive oil 10g
  • Black pepper to taste

To make the stuffed mozzarella, first cut out the top of each mozzarella so as to obtain a hollow, cut the tops into cubes and keep them aside. Place the mozzarella in a colander with the hollow facing downwards so as to eliminate excess water. Divide the tomatoes into quarters and pour them into a bowl where you will also add most of the mozzarella cubes. Keep the rest aside, they will be used as a garnish. Season with organic Il Cavallino olive oil, salt, pepper, dried oregano, and finally flavor with fresh basil leaves. Stir to flavor, stuff the mozzarella with this filling, place a few cubes of mozzarella that you have kept aside on the surface and serve your fresh and tasty stuffed mozzarella!

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